New Scout Talent App helps you hire faster from your mobile phone
3 minutes | Posted 11 April, 2022

We’re launching a new feature for all :Recruit users to take their talent acquisition process on the go and get great hiring results wherever they are. Rolling out in April 2022, the new Scout Talent App makes your recruitment process more accessible and reduces the time to hire, helping you drive growth for your organisation no matter your location. 

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You don’t have to be behind your desk or deep in your emails to push a candidate through the hiring process. Just open the app on your mobile phone to view applications, approve candidates, take notes, and collaborate with your team via :Recruit. Better yet, we’re offering the Scout Talent App for free to all :Recruit subscribers to help you get even more out of your talent acquisition platform. 

Review candidates rapidly 

The average internal recruitment team is strapped for time and other resources. You’re wearing one hundred hats and need to get through important tasks, like hiring, as quickly and easily as possible. Not only that, but you need to speed up these processes without compromising on great outcomes for your organisation. Your people are your greatest asset, so empower yours with this time-saving tool. 

The Scout Talent App makes it easy for your hiring managers to review applications, shortlist top candidates, and take notes from their phones. All they have to do is give a tick or a cross to progress candidates through the process and enable their team to take the next steps. 

Ultimately, the App keeps the time to hire low and candidate care high: a win-win for your organisation and the talented people that engage with it. 

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Reduce time to hire 

Talented candidates don’t have time to waste, so neither do you. The longer it takes you to make an offer to your top candidate, the greater the risk that they’ll be snapped up by your competitors. The Scout Talent App simplifies your hiring process right from the start, making application review as easy as clicking a button. 

Make recruitment accessible

Any time, anywhere. Even if you’re not behind your desk, you can make informed hiring decisions and empower your team to take the next steps with the click of a few buttons. Our easy to use app helps you reduce roadblocks for your team with quicker turnaround times and seamless integration into :Recruit, further expanding your talent acquisition platform. 

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Get the Scout Talent App 

If you want to reduce your time to hire and make hiring even easier for your internal recruitment, it’s time to activate the Scout Talent App for your organisation. If you’re already a :Recruit subscriber, chat to your account executive to gain access to the app today. If you don’t have a current :Recruit subscription, reach out to us for more information on how we help you transform your talent acquisition process from end to end.