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Kimberley Aboriginal Medical Services (KAMS), an Aboriginal Health Organisation, faced challenges managing high volumes of recruitment, while also struggling to attract candidates for specialised clinical roles. For 15 years, KAMS has partnered with Scout Talent to address these challenges, utilising our Applicant Tracking System and Recruitment CRM (:Recruit), and our Recruitment Campaign Service. With access to specialised recruitment marketing and talent engagement services, they were able to expand their candidate reach and reduce time spent on shortlisting applicants. In addition, :Recruit streamlined candidate management, enabling efficient, effective hiring practices.

Transforming Talent Acquisition at Kimberley Aboriginal Medical Services

A Scout Talent Success Story

Kimberley Aboriginal Medical Services (KAMS), an Aboriginal Health Organisation, faced challenges managing high volumes of recruitment for non-clinical roles, while also struggling to attract candidates for specialised clinical roles. For 15 years, KAMS has partnered with Scout Talent to address these challenges, utilising our Applicant Tracking System and Recruitment CRM (:Recruit), and our Recruitment Campaign Service. With access to specialised recruitment marketing and talent engagement services, they were able to expand their candidate reach and reduce time spent on shortlisting applicants. In addition, :Recruit streamlined candidate management, enabling efficient, effective hiring practices.

About Kimberley Aboriginal Medical Services

Kimberley Aboriginal Medical Services Ltd (KAMS) is a member based, regional Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (ACCHO), providing support across the Kimberley region of Western Australia. KAMS is governed by a Board of Directors which is made up of Aboriginal health leaders from each of the towns in the Kimberley Region. With over 500 team members, KAMS are recruiting about 100 roles per year, across a mix of both clinical and non-clinical roles. Recruitment will always be something that KAMS is consistently focussing on. Some of the challenges experienced by KAMS prior to engaging with Scout Talent include:

“The recruitment process before Scout was really hard, because we couldn’t get the exposure that we needed.”
– Sandie-Lee Ozies, HR Advisor, KAMS

The Solution

A combination of leading recruitment software and specialist recruitment support

KAMS has relied on Scout Talent as their recruitment partner for over 15 years. In response to their specific challenges, Scout Talent has supported KAMS with specialist recruitment services alongside our leading ATS and Recruitment CRM (:Recruit).

With Scout Talent’s Recruitment Services, KAMS receive trustworth support from experienced Recruitment Specialists that act as an extension of their internal hiring team. 

Here’s how we approach a recruitment campaign:

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Job analysis call

The best 30-min investment you’ll ever make. This call allows our Specialists to deeply understand your organisation, position, benefits and ideal candidate.

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Talent landing page

We create a dedicated landing page for your vacancy. Our specialists use your organisation’s branding and engaging messaging that makes your opportunity shine.

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Tailored advertising

Our specialists target the best talent through strategic advertising campaigns, targeted copy, and ongoing campaign optimisation. We maximise visibility of your vacancy by using both active and passive channels.

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Screening questions

Tailored screening questions help to find your ideal candidate faster. By asking the right questions, the workload to shortlist your talent pool is reduced. 

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Easy-to-use recruitment software

Gain access to the lite version of our ATS, :Recruit Essentials. With all candidate information stored in one secure location, it is easy for your team to collaborate on the hiring process.

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Access your talent pool

You’ll be able to access your entire talent pool, allowing you to make multiple hires at once, or keep top candidates engaged for future opportunities with your organisation.

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Talent Engagement

Once you have a list of applicants, it’s important to identify who’s going to be the right fit for your organisation. Our Talent Engagement experts can review resumes, conduct interviews, complete necessary checks, facilitate skills testing and more.

Scout Talent :Recruit is a leading best-of-breed applicant tracking system and recruitment CRM that allows organisations like KAMS to manage their entire talent acquisition process with one powerful platform. Scout Talent :Recruit helps organisations like KAMS to attract and secure top talent, reduce their time & cost to hire, empower collaboration within hiring teams, and securely store candidate data in once centralised place.

“:Recruit gives you all of the intelligence that enables you to appropriately recruit and manage candidates.”
– Julia McIntyre, Executive Manager for Workforce, KAMS

Results achieved

“The candidate management aspect of Scout Talent is probably the most significant bonus for us.”
– Julia McIntyre, Executive Manager for Workforce, KAMS

Over their 15-year partnership with Scout Talent, Kimberley Aboriginal Medical Services (KAMS) has seen transformative results in their talent acquisition processes. With a combination of leading recruitment software and specialist recruitment support, KAMS have:

Enhanced Candidate Reach and Engagement:

With our specialised recruitment marketing services, KAMS has significantly expanded their reach to attract high-quality candidates for specialised clinical roles. Our strategic recruitment marketing efforts ensure that KAMS's job postings gain maximum visibility among relevant candidate pools.

Streamlined Recruitment Process:

:Recruit has revolutionised the way KAMS manages their recruitment workflow. By automating key tasks such as candidate screening, and bulk candidate communications, KAMS has drastically reduced the time required to shortlist and engage potential hires. This efficiency has enabled the HR team to focus more on strategic initiatives and candidate care.

Data-Driven Decisions:

KAMS now benefits from reporting and analytics available within :Recruit that offer insights into the effectiveness of various recruitment channels and strategies, helping KAMS optimise their advertising spend and focus on high-return activities.

Improved Hiring Manager and Candidate Satisfaction:

The intuitive features of the platform, such as direct scheduling of interviews and automated candidate status updates, have enhanced the overall experience for both hiring managers and candidates. This streamlined communication fosters a positive perception of KAMS’ employer brand, enhancing future recruitment efforts.

Through dedicated support and innovative technology solutions, Scout Talent continues to help KAMS meet their evolving recruitment needs, ensuring they remain a leader in Aboriginal healthcare provision across the Kimberley region.

Leaders in best-of-breed talent acquisition software

Scout Talent is a comprehensive talent acquisition platform empowering your organisation’s strategic growth.

Through continuous improvement and innovation, we support organisations like yours to increase efficiencies and achieve their talent acquisition goals.

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