5 Tips for SMB Recruiters to Master Value First Hiring
4 minutes | Posted 26 September, 2024

In today’s competitive recruitment landscape, small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) often face one of two challenges: an overwhelming influx of applicants for some positions or a struggle to attract enough qualified candidates for others. If you’re hiring for multiple roles, you might even encounter both challenges simultaneously. This is where Value First Hiring (VFH) steps in as a game-changing strategy, empowering employers to make better hiring choices and secure top talent more efficiently.

For recruiters and HR managers alike, VFH represents a shift toward more transparent, cost-effective, and strategic hiring practices. In our recent blog, ‘Why Value First Hiring is the Future for Small and Medium-Sized Businesses’, we explored how this approach focuses on maximising value for hiring organisations rather than relying on the traditional, often expensive agency-centered model.Why Value First Hiring is the Future for Small and Medium-Sized Businesses

If you’re tired of manual recruitment inefficiencies or relying heavily on agencies to find your next hire, or if you’re simply looking to enhance your hiring process, here are five tips for adopting Value First Hiring in your organisation.

1. Prioritise Quality Over Quantity

In a candidate-heavy market, having a high volume of resumes doesn’t guarantee success. In fact, an overflow of applicants can often slow down your hiring process and distract you from identifying the best-fit candidates. At the same time, for certain roles, you might face a challenge in attracting any qualified candidates at all. Value First Hiring helps address both issues by focusing on quality over quantity.
To do this, you first need to establish clear criteria for what constitutes a ‘good fit’ for your organisation. Are you looking for specific values, experiences, or skills? Setting these parameters in advance will allow you to filter out unqualified candidates effectively, even when dealing with a large talent pool. Conversely, for roles that typically attract fewer candidates, leveraging advanced recruitment technology and targeted outreach will help you expand your reach while maintaining quality standards.

By concentrating on quality over quantity, you streamline your hiring process while improving employee retention and overall team performance. This approach enables you to build a workforce that is not only capable but also aligned with your organisation’s mission and culture.

2. Tap into a Diverse Talent Pool

Value First Hiring also encourages a broader and more inclusive approach to hiring, which helps overcome the challenges of both too many or too few candidates. By diversifying your recruitment strategies, you can attract candidates from underrepresented groups who may not have previously considered your organisation.
Utilise data-driven insights to identify and target diverse candidates. Promoting your company’s culture and values on social media, attending job fairs that focus on underrepresented communities, or partnering with diversity organisations are all ways to expand your reach.

Casting a wider net will enrich your candidate pool with people who bring unique perspectives and experiences to your team, fostering a more innovative and dynamic workplace.

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3. Invest in Recruitment Technology

No matter the size of your organisation, relying on outdated methods such as Excel spreadsheets and email chains for your hiring process can hinder your recruitment efforts. Investing in modern recruitment technology is essential to streamline your processes, enhance efficiency, and improve candidate experience.

Whether you’re a small business or a growing medium-sized enterprise, recruitment software offers tools that automate repetitive tasks, track candidate progress, and facilitate collaboration among your hiring team. These technologies enable you to centralise candidate information, making it easier to evaluate applicants and ensure that no talent slips through the cracks.

By adopting recruitment tech solutions, you’ll save time and resources, allowing your team to focus on what truly matters: finding the right candidates who align with your organisation’s values and goals. This investment not only leads to better hiring decisions but also positions your organisation as an attractive place for top talent.

4. Foster a Transparent Recruitment Process

Transparency is a cornerstone of the Value First Hiring model. Whether you’re inundated with applicants or struggling to attract enough qualified candidates, ensuring clarity in your hiring process can significantly enhance the experience for both your team and potential hires.

For organisations with a high volume of applicants, transparency means establishing clear evaluation criteria and communicating these standards to all candidates. This allows your HR team to efficiently filter resumes and provide feedback to those who don’t meet the requirements (ideally using automated features from an ATS or recruitment CRM), demonstrating respect and professionalism.

For those facing challenges in attracting candidates, transparency involves being upfront about your organisation’s values, culture, and the benefits of joining your team. Clearly outlining the recruitment process and timelines fosters trust and keeps candidates engaged and informed throughout the journey.

Cultivating open communication and visibility builds trust with potential hires and creates a positive candidate experience that enhances your employer brand—whether you’re competing for talent in a crowded market or looking to stand out to a diverse pool of candidates.

5. Leverage Cost-Effective, Collaborative Solutions

Traditional recruitment methods, especially those that involve agencies, can be expensive due to percentage-based fees and hidden costs. With Value First Hiring, SMBs can adopt a more budget-friendly, fixed-pricing model that gives them full control over their hiring costs. This cost-effective approach allows organisations to make long-term hiring decisions without worrying about unexpected expenses.

Moreover, VFH encourages collaboration with your recruitment provider. Instead of seeing them as just a service, treat your provider as a strategic partner. Together, you can refine your hiring process, share insights, and continuously adapt recruitment strategies to meet your organisation’s evolving needs.

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The Future of Recruitment is Value First

As SMBs face growing challenges with traditional recruitment methods, Value First Hiring presents a forward-thinking approach that emphasises long-term success. By prioritising quality, diversifying your talent pool, investing in technology, ensuring transparency, and fostering collaboration, you can transform your hiring process to build a stronger, more aligned team.

Are you ready to embrace the Value First Hiring approach? At Scout Talent, we’re here to help you navigate this new approach, providing tailored recruitment solutions and AI-powered tech that deliver results. Let’s work together to build the team that will drive your business forward.