North & West Remote Health (NWRH) is a not-for-profit organisation providing essential healthcare services to rural, remote, and regional communities across Australia. With 160 employees, their mission is to deliver high-quality, cost-efficient healthcare to areas that would otherwise lack access.

For over 16 years, NWRH has worked tirelessly to attract and retain skilled professionals committed to improving community health.



Scout Talent: Recruit
Applicant Tracking System and Recruitment CRM


68 new hires in the past 12 months

20+ hours saved monthly

Time-to-hire reduced by 50%

The Challenge

NWRH faced several hurdles in managing recruitment effectively, including:

  • Manual Processes: Recruitment relied on individual spreadsheets, creating inefficiencies and risk of lost information during staff turnover.
  • Resource Strain: Administrative burdens fell heavily on team leaders, diverting them from other priorities.
  • Competitive Market: A healthcare workforce shortage made attracting and retaining skilled candidates increasingly difficult.
  • Extended Time-to-Hire: Lengthy recruitment cycles of up to eight weeks delayed critical placements.

The Solution

To overcome these challenges, NWRH adopted Scout Talent’s comprehensive talent acquisition platform, :Recruit. This partnership allowed NWRH to streamline their hiring processes by:

  • Centralising recruitment data in an easily accessible database.
  • Reducing manual administrative tasks through automated workflows.
  • Providing tools for job cloning, ad creation, and candidate management, enabling quick job postings and application reviews.
  • Enhancing communication with automated responses and integrated internal sharing tools.


With Scout Talent, NWRH has transformed its recruitment processes. Administrative tasks have been significantly reduced thanks to automations, saving them over 20 hours monthly. Team Leaders can now manage recruitment independently, with full insight on postings and applications.

As a result of adopting :Recruit, NWRH has halved their time-to-hire, reducing decision-making time to one week and onboarding to four weeks. This has improved the candidate experience significantly, and enabled them to hire 68 new team members in the past 12 months – even in a competitive market.

Overall, recruitment processes are faster, more streamlined, and better equipped to respond to industry challenges.

Client Testimonials

“:Recruit is a user-friendly system that constantly evolves to meet our needs. The support and ability to provide feedback have made a real difference.”

Christine Dillon
Recruitment and HR Project Lead