In mid-February, we were excited to roll out the first stage of the new :Recruit software updates, which started with the Jobs Workflow. You’ve likely received emails and popup messages from our team, sharing helpful tutorials and how-to info to get you started in the new interface. Be sure to bookmark the resources library to your browser in case you need support along the way!
In light of the new flow launching, we’ve spent the lion share of our time refining new and existing features in the new-look interface to ensure you get the best results from your platform.
UX/UI Updates and Improvements
Ongoing enhancement of the functionality and capabilities of the new-look Jobs Workflow.
:Recruit and :Essentials
- Fixed the issue that was preventing users from previewing Microsoft Documents attached to applications.
- Added screening questions and answers to the Export CSV feature.
- Implemented colour coding on ‘Expiry Date’ field to alert when a job is near expiring or expired.
- Added ‘last saved’ indicator on Edit Job page.
- Re-styled the table in the the Multiposter feature to include scroll buttons and add location column to SEEK table.
- Added ‘Assigned User’ column in Jobs Overview Page.
- Display time according to the job’s time zone setting.
- Rounded up application ratings to a whole number.
- Improved the usability of the ‘select’ and ‘deselect’ feature when completing bulk actions on the Applications Overview Page.
- Added ‘State’ column to the Applications Overview Page.
- Added spellcheck to text editors.
- Improved performance on the function of ‘Select all’ in the Applications Overview Page.
Quality of Life Improvements
Improving our platform’s usability and making it even easier to use.
- We updated the capabilities of iframes to show ‘published date’ instead of ‘creation date’.Â
- We added the ability to filter by additional status (New) in :Engage.
Bug Fixes
Continuous improvement of the platform’s performance and reliability.
- Fixed the issue that was causing the ‘application complete’ reminder email to duplicate.
- Added the ability to save user preferences when sorting.
- Improved the warning messages and alerts when editing a SEEK ad in Multiposter.