The Importance of Employee Advocacy & How to Amplify it!
4 minutes | Posted 02 April, 2024

The Importance of Employee Advocacy & How to Amplify it!

In terms of talent acquisition, organisations have a powerful but sometimes overlooked resource right in front of them: their employees. As we share insights from our latest report, Employer Branding Insights 2024, let’s explore how your workforce can play a crucial role in attracting top talent.

In the ever-changing world of employer branding, we’re realising the pivotal role employees play as ambassadors of their organisation’s brand. At Scout Talent, we’ve delved deep into the data from our 2024 Candidate Experience Survey, which reveals compelling insights into the influence of employee advocacy on recruitment success. 

Let’s explore how organisations can leverage the unique voices of their workforce to bolster their employer brand and attract top talent. 

Our Findings: Candidates listen to their networks

Data from our 2024 Candidate Experience Survey has discovered that a staggering 41% of candidates acknowledge recommendations from personal and professional networks as pivotal factors influencing their decision to apply for a job. This vital data underscores the untapped potential for organisations to leverage employee advocacy as a potent recruitment strategy.

Showcase your organisation’s culture with authentic employee stories and create a work environment where people feel valued. This will lead to genuine employee advocacy that truly connects with potential hires.

Practical Strategies for Amplifying Employee Advocacy

Cultivating a Culture of Trust and Engagement

The foundation of effective employee advocacy lies in fostering workplace cultures characterised by transparency, collaboration, and mutual respect. Organisations must strive to create environments where employees feel valued and empowered to authentically champion their workplace.

Transparency and Open Communication: Establish open lines of communication where employees feel comfortable sharing their experiences, ideas, and concerns. Regular town hall meetings, feedback sessions, and transparent policies contribute to a culture of trust.

Empowerment and Recognition: Empower employees by giving them opportunities to contribute ideas, lead initiatives, and take ownership of their work. Recognise and celebrate their contributions through rewards, appreciation events, and public acknowledgments.

Professional Development: Invest in the growth and development of your employees. Provide access to training, mentorship programs, and opportunities for career advancement. Employees who feel supported in their professional growth are more likely to advocate for their organisation.

Incentivising and Rewarding Advocacy

While creating an environment where employees feel valued and empowered to advocate for their organisation is crucial, it’s equally important to implement tangible incentives and rewards to recognise their efforts effectively. Here’s how organisations can effectively incentivise and reward advocacy: 

Robust Referral Programs: Implementing well-structured referral programs can serve as a powerful mechanism to encourage employee advocacy. By incentivising employees to refer qualified candidates, organisations tap into their networks and leverage their connections. These programs can include monetary rewards such as bonuses or commission-based incentives, as well as non-monetary rewards like recognition awards or extra vacation days.

Recognition and Appreciation: Recognising and appreciating employees for their advocacy efforts is paramount in cultivating a culture of engagement. Organisations can publicly acknowledge employees who go above and beyond in promoting the company culture or referring exceptional candidates. This recognition can take various forms, including employee spotlights in newsletters, shoutouts during team meetings, or inclusion in internal communications.

Customised Incentive Structures: Tailoring incentive structures to align with the organisation’s goals and values can enhance their effectiveness. Instead of adopting a one-size-fits-all approach, consider designing incentive programs that resonate with different employee demographics and preferences. This could involve offering personalised rewards based on individual preferences, career aspirations, or performance metrics.

Promoting Authenticity Through Strategic Communication

Authenticity emerges as the linchpin of successful employee advocacy. It’s not just about sharing branded content or scripted messages; it’s about showcasing genuine human experiences within the organisation. Here’s how organisations can promote authenticity through strategic communication:

Encouraging Genuine Sharing: Create avenues for employees to share their authentic experiences and insights openly. Whether through internal communication channels, social media platforms, or employee advocacy programs, encourage employees to share their stories in their own words. This humanises the organisation and allows prospective candidates to connect with real people and real experiences.

Sharing Real Employee Stories: Highlighting real employee stories and testimonials can be a powerful way to showcase authenticity. Whether it’s through written testimonials, or video interviews, sharing stories of employee experiences, achievements, and challenges helps prospective candidates gain insight into the authentic human side of the workplace.

Fostering Two-way Communication: Authentic communication is not just about broadcasting messages; it’s about engaging in meaningful dialogue. Create opportunities for employees to provide feedback, ask questions, and engage in conversations about the organisation’s culture, values, and mission. By fostering two-way communication, organisations demonstrate transparency and authenticity, building trust with both employees and candidates.

Employee advocacy represents a potent tool for organisations seeking to amplify their employer brand and attract top talent. By leveraging the unique voices of their workforce and implementing practical strategies to enhance advocacy, organisations can craft compelling narratives that resonate deeply with candidates.

Our Employer Branding Insights 2024 report is a comprehensive guide for organisations looking to capitalise on the transformative power of employee advocacy. Embrace the insights provided and take proactive steps to unlock the full potential of your employer brand today.

Click here to access the full report and discover how Scout Talent’s employer branding solutions can revolutionise your organisation’s recruitment efforts.